New collection of hoodies!

Hoodies & Sweatshirts

Whether it's summer or winter, don't leave the house without a sweatshirt. Especially during cold nights or changeable weather, a high-quality, warm sweatshirt is irreplaceable, and in addition, this piece is still in fashion. It goes without saying that different cuts and colors emphasize a woman's figure or curves. Thanks to the wide selection, young and old alike choose between our sweatshirts.

Women's Blue Hoodie with Gold Zipper
Women's Blue Hoodie with Gold Zipper

Women's Blue Hoodie with Gold Zipper

34,55 €
Black Hoodie with Zipper and Hood
Black Hoodie with Zipper and Hood

Black Hoodie with Zipper and Hood

34,55 €
Women's Light Blue Hoodie
Women's Light Blue Hoodie

Women's Light Blue Hoodie

34,55 €
Beige Women's Hoodie with Pocket
Beige Women's Hoodie with Pocket

Beige Women's Hoodie with Pocket

38,50 €
Light Violet Hoodie
Light Violet Hoodie

Light Violet Hoodie

38,50 €
Pink Hoodie with Pocket
Pink Hoodie with Pocket

Pink Hoodie with Pocket

38,50 €
Blue Women's Hoodie with Zipper
Blue Women's Hoodie with Zipper

Blue Women's Hoodie with Zipper

43,20 €
Green Women's Hoodie with Pocket
Green Women's Hoodie with Pocket

Green Women's Hoodie with Pocket

38,50 €
Purple Hoodie with Colorful Print
Purple Hoodie with Colorful Print

Purple Hoodie with Colorful Print

31,20 €
Trendy Beige Hoodie
Trendy Beige Hoodie

Trendy Beige Hoodie

41,40 €
Green Floral Patterned Hoodie
Green Floral Patterned Hoodie

Green Floral Patterned Hoodie

36,25 €
White Extended Hoodie
White Extended Hoodie

White Extended Hoodie

48,00 €

Product review

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Eszter 13.02.2025
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Hungary

Kimagaslóan jó minőségű pulóver viszont valamiért egy számmal nagyobb mint a többi ugyanilyen márkájú és méretű pulóverem (XL)

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Krisztina 07.02.2025
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Hungary

Gyönyörű, nagyon szeretem.

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Lucie 02.02.2025
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Czech Republic

Krásná, kvalitní, příjemná.

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Denise 12.12.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Germany

Tolle Sweatjacke. Gute Qualität und schön warm.

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Tanja 09.12.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Slovenia

Zelo mehka in zelo topla. Zadovoljna z nakupom.

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Kateřina 14.11.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Czech Republic


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Edit 30.10.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Hungary

Nagyon szép színe van, és nagyon jó meleg! A hossza kényelmes, egy hosszú mellénnyel kabáttal felér.

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Edit 30.10.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Hungary

Jó meleg, a hossza kényelmes, praktikus viselet hétköznapokon. Mérettáblázat alapján pontosan jó.

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Giulia 02.10.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Italy

Una felpa bellissima, bello il colore, il tessuto ed è anche molto calda e morbida. Ne comprerò un'altra di un nuovo colore

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Gerta 18.07.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Czech Republic

Pěkná a přesně jak na fotce

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Gabriela 13.06.2024
rating starrating starrating starrating starrating star

The customer: Slovakia

Príjemná teplá mikina. Pekná. Objednaná veľkosť L. Je to také chudšie L.